Overheating phone – find out why and how to stop your phone from overheating

Phone in a yellow case is overheating

Hot phone is something that we all have been dealing with at least once in the lifetime, and non of us like this type of thing happening to our phones. If you have been wondering then why is this happening an how you can cool your phone off here you will find all of the answers here. Keep reading this article and find out all important things you should know of when it comes to overheating of phone.

Why are phones getting hot?

Have you noticed that your phone is getting hot? Did you then wonder why is this happening? If you never knew why this happens we are here coming to you with an explanation. There are in fact numbers of reasons why our phones can get hot. The reasons why you are dealing with hot phone might be:

  • high screen brightness,
  • video streaming,
  • playing games,
  • sun exposure,
  • hot weather exposure,
  • outdated software or apps.

As you can see there are in fact couple of things that may be causing your phone to over heat and you should start eliminating one by one to find out which is the reason you are dealing with at the moment.

Hot vs. warm

Maybe you didn’t know this before but there is a differance between hot and warm phone temperature. You should know that when it comes to your phones temperature may be 34 up to 43 degrees it is still is considered as normal. However if the temeprature is going to grow up from 44 degrees it is considered hot already.

You should however know that the best temperature for phones is considered up till 35 deegress.

Iphone vs. Android overheating

Did you know that these two these two differ? When it comes to android overheating my be happening because of couple of things which are for example viruses or malware. When it comes iPhones its almost impossible for them to get such things and the reason why is this that Apple does not any kind of non Apple software on their devices. If you want to help your android not to overheating you should consider getting your phone a reliable antivirus software, you should also consider things like charging your phone on a cool flat surface, never leave your phone on a direct sunlight and always keep your software up to date.

How to cool down your phone?

Man is cooling down his phone with help of a fan

Wondering how you can cool down your phone when it overheat? If you are dealing with such a problem then we have couple of way to help you out here.

First way to deal with it is to fan your phone. We know how stupid it may sound but in fact faning your phone may let you cool down your phone a bit, fans works here the same as they work to your body during hot weather.

Another way to cool down your phone is to simply take off your case if you have one. If your phone is overheating then the case is not going to help in it at all. Cases are just going to hold the heat and your phone is going to take way longer to cool it off.

If you have turned on bluetooth you should turn it off. This turned on bluetooth is going to scan all over to find something to connect to. This constant work is causing your phone to overheat so if you are not using this at the moment simply just turn it off.


Now you know what is the reason why your phone is getting so hot, and we have also give informations how to deal with such a problem. There are so many of us dealing with overheating phones and not a single reason is good reason. We like helping you guys and now we hope that the informations that you have been given here are going to make your life way easier and you will in a very easy way be able to cool down your phone.

Enjoy the use of your phone on daily basis and remember to not let it to heat over 43 deegess.

One thought on “Overheating phone – find out why and how to stop your phone from overheating

  1. My phone is overheating very often and I had no idea that my case could be cousing that. I will now know what to take under consideration.

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