Wireless charger – what they are, how they work and what are its good and bad sides?

Woman is using wireless charger, because she wants to charge her phone

If you are interested in getting such a thing as wireless charger you should know couple of things before you will decide on getting one of these. Here we will speak about each and every aspect that you should know of before getting such a charger.

What a wireless charger is?

This article should start with basics and definition of wireless charger is one of them. Such a charger is in fact a special charging pad that is transfering energy to the device and is using inductions that is made of electromagnetic. You should also know that it is not fully replacing traditional way of charging your device.

How does it work?

You should be aware of this how such a charger works. It is quite simple, so there is nothing that you may think that will outgrow your technology skills. Wireless charging works simply instead of plugging your device into a traditional (cable) charger you will have to use electromagnetic pad that is going to transfer energy right into your device.

How to connect phone to a wireless charger?

Now you know what this charger is and how it works so it comes time to find out how to connect phone to such a charger. You already know that most of these chargers are in form of a pad, that is why all you have to do is to lay your phone on this pad. There are also wireless chargers that are going to allow you for holding your phone while charging as well as placing it against the charger.

Types of wireless charging technology

If you thought that there is only one type of wireless charging technology you were wrong. There are in fact three different types of wireless charging technology, these types are:

  • radio charging,
  • inductive charging/near field charging,
  • resonance charging.

Radio charging

When it comes to radio charging type of technology, it is using a combination of very tiny batteries and is consuming very little of electricity. Thanks to this type of technology you are to be able to charge the battery just by setting the receiver to the same frequency just like the one that is transmitter.

Inductive charging/near field charging

When it comes to this type of wireless charging technology your device may be charged with help of charging station or a charging pad that create a magnetic field which in fact is making another electric current created in the induction coil of a portable device that are very close,

Resonance charging

Car that is under resonance charging, his owner is waiting to to make it full

Last but not least resonance charging is in fac very different type of charging technique. This type of wireless charging is able to happen when both of the copper coils are being set to a common electromagnetic frequency. This type of wireless technology is only possible to happen over a short distance.

Pros of wireless charging

Wondering what are some benefits that comes out of using wireless charging. We know how cool this type of technology may seems like, but what are in fact its benefits, here they goes:

  • it is quite secure method of charging your phone,
  • it is reducing the amount of cords and adapters,
  • it reduces problems of overheating,
  • it minimizes possibilities of electrical as well as device failure,
  • you can charge your phone anytime and anywhere,
  • it has great innovative design with many uses,
  • it has auto-off, what means that when the device is fully charged the charger is going to shut off.

Cons of wireless charging

This type of technology may seem like it is not going to have any kind of cons, however everything has its bad sides. Here you are going to find out what cons of wireless charging, they are:

  • it is more expensive than traditional chargers,
  • it is way slower than traditional charger,
  • in most types you aren’t able to use your phone while it charges,
  • it is not exactly wireless,
  • it may damage your battery lifespan.


Now you know what you should be consdering and on what you should pay most attnetion to. Do you feel like there is anything that could fully make you choose such a charger? Many people seems to be fun of them, but it doesn’t have to be the same for you.

We hope that this article made you unerstood what in fact such wireless charger is, how it works and what to pay attention to.

One thought on “Wireless charger – what they are, how they work and what are its good and bad sides?

  1. That is exactly this what I was looking for as I want to get myself wireless charger. This made me realise couple of things and I will for sure rethink it once again.

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